One by one my gods have passed;
Their hour of rule upon the holy mount
Within the heart of me has passed,
And they departed from Olympian heights
To be devoured by Time, and then to be
Digested by my personality.
In this most ancient rite of passage,
In this sacred feast of sacrifice,
They have become no more than I,
And I no less than they.
Twice-bornRenascent deity resides within;
And I am whole, and I am one with them.
Now am I ruler of my sphere;
Upon the throne of my own heart I sit
As god and goddess in eternal union
At the center of the world;
And I am ageless, timeless, ancient youth,
And I Am That I Am, and I Am Truth.
Deathless Self, divine identity
Is mine in this most catholic
Assimilation to integrity of mind
And soul and spirit, formed by that
Which now I know myself to be:
Creator and created; wholly me.