About The Eye of the Crone

The perspective shared here is one that comes from decades of experience, study, and personal unfoldment. It is ultimately the result of an unexpected spiritual awakening that occurred in 1971, by which a foolish young woman touched Wisdom, and became a dedicated student of the Divine Being.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Morn - A Romance

Art by Herb Leonhard http://www.herbleonhard.com

Darkness fades,
Lightening into morning through all the shades of gray.
And then comes pearly, silvery dawn before the dawn --
Clouds swirling in nacreous patterns,
Almost iridescent with the coming light.
Day break looms, the sky expectant, swells
With tints of mauve and blue and pink and gold,
Oestre breasts then the far horizon, bursts and blooms
With color.

There was little sleep the night before;
There were tears, and a sad shouldering of duty.
Before first light she went to the tomb;
It was empty.

I AM the Light that leaps up with the dawning,
Rising in the sun
I Am the Love that holds all possibility within me,
Renewing life, enkindling spirit.

Dark confusion, and fear, and questioning, and mourning
War with hope and trust, and love that is undying.
She seeks, and finds,
And in the dawning witnesses the Living One, arisen,
And knows him not
Until He calls her by Her name.

Lover and Beloved meet on Easter Morn.