The mystical spirit knows that the key to Perfection is neither in the past nor in the future. It is found in the Now, the Present, the Eternal Moment.
In that epiphany, that recognition of the moment of Now, the wholeness, the completeness, the fullness, the pleroma of possibility in this potent quantum unit of time-space - the awakened human glimpses enlightenment. Almost nothing has changed, and yet everything has changed!
Immortal Being is the “I” that sees
As one within the many,
Yet knows within the One I Am
Speaking the primal Word of Self Expression
Into infinity.
… Envision …
Life is Eternal
Unfolding perfect bloom of being as the Word I Am goes forth,
Creating space, filled with all possibility,
Expanding into I Will Be.
Perfect reflection of that I AM
Beyond time, beyond form,
The I Am One in each most tiny moment links,
Within the golden chain of being, joins
In seamless garment of light -
Worn by the dark well of Being’s birthing.
Perfect and New
In every moment of Eternity –
Dynamic Consummation in communion
With One Self
Breathes forth Creative Word.
Being and Not-Being dancing in relativity,
Sound and silence making meaning,
The music of light and dark,
Chords and contrasts speaking the Word together
Reflects in holographic and awakened “I”.
Perfection embraces All I Am.